I Got to See Buck Brannaman!

I know, it’s been forever since I’ve posted. Sorry! Things have just been super busy, but I’ll tell you about that another day.Buck

The important thing is, I got to attend a Buck Brannaman Horse Clinic over the weekend in Riverside, CA! I’m not a horse owner. I went primarily to do some research for my current WIP, and also because I’m fascinated with the work Buck does. While he teaches horse owners a beautiful method of training and working their horses, he teaches the rest of us how to treat each other, as well as the other animals in our lives.

As soon as Buck started speaking with his calm, even voice, I could feel his humanity from across the corral. He cares deeply about the people and the horses in his clinics. He told us horses are extremely sensitive and respond incredibly well to feel (small inputs from the owner). And that it’s never necessary to hurt a horse.

And he has these sayings! He told one busy rider that her hands were ‘busier than a cat burying crap.’ There was also something about ‘a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest.’ He was cracking us up!

According to Buck, there’s a proper order to things when training horses. If the horse trusts you because he always gets a good deal with you, he’ll go anywhere you lead. Don’t be impatient. If you take your time, the horse will actually get there faster, safer and happier.

At one point he pondered the thought that if one human being could love more than hate, that person would really be something. Even if that person wasn’t particularly good at anything, they’d be the best person on earth.

Saturday was one of the nicest and most amazing days I’ve spent in a long time. I’ve watched Buck’s documentary, Buck, at least three times, and have read his book, The Faraway Horses, and I STILL learned a ton just by watching and taking notes for one day out of the four-day clinic.

If you’re unfamiliar with Buck, even if you’re not into horses, you’ll benefit by checking out his movie and/or his books. Visit Buck at http://www.brannaman.com/.

Happy Writing, and I’d love to hear what’s going on with you!